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My charity projects


There are so many benefits to donating crochet work to charity - now I use my talent to give back to the community. Aside from helping others in need, it also gives me as a crocheter a chance to be more involved by discovering new volunteer opportunities.


Here I present a little update of my current charity activities.



Because it's art! That's the motto of the first

International Yarnbomb Festival

in Germany hosted by

Woolinale and h&h Cologne. 

Germany gets its own yarnbombing festival and

together with KulturVERSTRICKUNGEN we took part!


Here's our contribution - The Colorful Wool Lady.

Look at the umbrella - it's made by me.


Check out my blog post HERE and read more!























































































Die Mercerie yarnbomb bike


2020, we created for Die Mercerie  a wonderful yarn bomb bike you can see HERE.

Two years later and together with Kulturverstrickungen again we freshed up this bike with new yarns and colors. 
















Square The Love 2.0

I’m so thrilled to join Square The Love Global Project 2.0 hosted

by Abby from Calm Homemade.


This project is designed to raise awareness of the benefits

behind crafting as a way of therapy and to help normalise

mental health talks.


I crocheted this beautiful granny square with PARIS yarn

by DROPS Design.

And here is the result!!!








































Visit Abby's Instagram feed HERE and find all about this

rochet project.

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